The Modosummit event was held in the presence of Iranian fashion brands and designers at the Parsian Evin Hotel.
The theme of this event was fashion and technology, which was evident in all parts of the event, from the attendees’ style to the stage design.
Indeed, the lighting and the harmony of these lights with the music created an intimate and friendly atmosphere among the audience.
Likewise, guests described themselves in different styles.
In addition, small gatherings with friendly conversations on business issues were seen throughout the hall.
With the help of the big screen they had, the speakers spoke about the big change that fashion is facing in 2022.

How to transfer brands to Metaverse?
Majid Ahmadi Khoshbakht, the founder of MAKH Design, pointed out that we should go towards creating an experience in Metaverse, in the
Modosummit event. He addressed Iranian brands: “This world has no limit and only one limit And that’s what your brand is going to produce.
Majid Ahmadi mentioned the impact of design thinking as the base of design and added that the condition for success is that we can understand the user and empathize with them and in this way, create an experience, world, and products that meet their needs.
By being aware of these needs, brands can be transferred to the meta world.
You can watch the full video of the speech, here.
Startups can be started from scratch in Metaverse.
But a brand that exists, if it can create an experience in this world, can transfer an integrated experience to that world as well.
And it needs design thinking to create that experience.

Our expectations of technology and its future
Mr. Nakhjavani, the founder of Daya, spoke Modosummit event about the impact of technology on the future of the world.
Additionally the gap between our expectations of technology and what is really happening.
Has everything we really expected from the first day of technology come true?
There is a difference between people’s expectations of technology and its reality.

Future researcher Roy Amara argues that people’s expectations differ with the growth of technology.
This difference can be seen in the chart above.
At first, with the slow growth of technology, we see higher expectations.
But over time, technology can exceed public expectations and even be at a higher level.
Nevertheless, due to past experiences, the level of audience expectations is lower than the actual level of technology.
As Bill Gates puts it, people overestimate what they do in one year and underestimate what they do in ten years.
In fact, it can be said that today the power of technology has grown a lot.
But according to past experiences, many people are unaware of its capabilities.
However, statistics show that people like to see the full impact of technology in the short term, which is often beyond its reach.
How does NFT help the fashion industry?

This chart shows that technologies are growing in five identified stages.
After a lot of growth, we see frustration with technology, but over time, we see enlightenment about technology.
In fact, in the last stage, expectations will be realistic and we will see the productivity of technology.
Financial transactions in the world of Metaverse
Paper currency is declining in today’s world of technology.
Moreover, in some countries, the digital currency has been adopted as its national currency so as not to lag behind the digital world.
Mr. Shiraziha, CEO of Bornos Mode, acknowledged that high physical production of money only causes inflation and devaluation of some currencies.
Today, digital currencies are gaining ground in our daily life.
And companies are gaining more and more trust to offer their services with digital currencies Tesla.
Due to the high speed of transfer, not observing the money record and the insignificance of nationality to work with digital currency are some of the advantages of digital currency.
It can be easily used in the world of Metaverse because with the implementation of Metavars, none of the current currencies (dollars, euros, and…) are used.
In the NFT world, nothing can be the equivalent of anything else.
Everything will be unique and used for antique goods in the world of art, music, and fashion.

This report is written based on the article by Sarak magazine.